Part 1: Working with web-based visualization tools and data


General government debt-to-GDP ratio measures the gross debt of the general government as a percentage of GDP. It is a key indicator for the sustainability of government finance1. This work will be based on the TSWD coursework requirements to construct a compelling narrative and data visualization about general government debt-to-GDP ratio. And before showing my work I would like to express my special thanks to the professor, Christopher Goranson, for his guidance during the Telling Stories with Data course at CMU. Finally, I hope you all enjoy my work.

📊Chart working with web-based visualization tools and data

Here is the chart about General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio on 2020:

Analysis and Thinking

👀 My Analysis
 ▪️ We can get data about General government debt-to-GDP ratio from 1995 to 2021 on the OECD official website, but since the value of OECD-average reaches its maximum in 2020, in this chart we only use data in 2020.
 ▪️ The chart clearly compares the rates of the different countries in 2020 and sorts them according to the rates, making it easy for the viewer to complete the comparison.
 ▪️ The chart highlights the OECD-average figures, making it easy for viewers to see which countries are above or below the average.
 ▪️ The chart only contains specific values for each country in 2020, which is enough information if that's the topic the audience wants to focus on. But I would prefer to see how it changes from year to year, after all, just one year of data is too one-sided to evaluate the performance of each country.
❓ My Thoughts on Visualization Design
 ▪️ This is the chart working with web-based visualization tools and data, so the design comes from the web page.
 ▪️ I made the chart appear on the viewer's screen at a more appropriate size by adjusting the width and height of the chart.

Part 2: Working with Flourish

❔ Why Florish

 ▪️ Easily turn our data into stunning charts, maps and interactive stories.

 ▪️ Create agency-quality data graphics and animated stories that bring your data to life.

 ▪️ Flourish is easy enough for anyone to use. Start with a template and drop in data.

 ▪️ Create seamless embeds, magical presentations, or engaging content for social.

 ▪️ Get custom themes so everything has your logo, fonts, colours and styles.2

📈The grid of line chart working with Flourish

Visualization Display

Here is the grid of line chart about the change of General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio from 1995 to 2021 of OECD member countries:

Made with Flourish

Analysis and Thinking

👀 My Analysis
 ▪️ We can see from the chart that from 1995 to 2021, the General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio is on an overall upward trend, although there are ups and downs in each country.
 ▪️ In this chart, we can get the trend of the Debt-to-GDP Ratio of each country, but it is difficult to observe the specific value by the naked eye. However, by putting the mouse on the corresponding point of the dynamic chart, the corresponding value of Debt-to-GDP Ratio can be surfaced, which helps the audience to get more information.
❓ My Thoughts on Visualization Design
 ▪️ The line chart gives emphasis to changing trends over several years. And the grid of line chart gives the information of many countries.
 ▪️ In this chart, I want the viewer to quickly know by the title what topic the chart will discuss.
 ▪️ I think the explanatory notes below the title will further help the viewer to identify what the chart represents.
 ▪️ I think the charts allow the viewer to quickly compare trends across countries, debt-to-GDP ratio for different countries in the same year and debt-to-GDP ratio for the same country in different years.
 ▪️ Because the grid of line chart includes many line charts, I use a uniform color to make the chart less cluttered.

📊The grid of column chart working with Flourish

Visualization Display

Here is the grid of column charts grouped by continent showing the change of General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio in each continent from 2017 to 2021:

Made with Flourish

Analysis and Thinking

👀 My Analysis
 ▪️ The grid of column chart above includes too many countries, making the viewer a bit dazzled, so I categorized each country according to the continent it belongs to, and then calculated the average of each continent's Debt-to-GDP Ratio for each year. This allows viewers to more clearly compare the performance of each continent in each year.
 ▪️ From the grid of column chart, we can clearly see that during 2017 to 2021, the General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio of Asia is higher than that of other continents.
 ▪️ although there are ups and downs in many continents,they are all on a rising trend.
❓ My Thoughts on Visualization Design
 ▪️ In this chart, I want the viewer to quickly know by the title what topic the chart will discuss.
 ▪️ I use the explanatory notes below the title to further help the viewer to identify what the chart represents.
 ▪️ I think the charts allow the viewer to quickly compare trends across continents, debt-to-GDP ratio for different continents in the same year and debt-to-GDP ratio for the same continents in different years.
 ▪️ Because the grid of column chart includes many column charts, I use a uniform color to make the chart less cluttered.

The comparison of different methods of visualization

1️⃣ The line chart represents a numerical trend, a change in trend, even if the specific value can be ignored, by which appears the direction to understand the trend, up or down, smooth or jittery, slope peak or trough, etc..The grid of line charts contains several line charts, which can be compared and contrasted. So the grid of line chart above shows the change of General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio from 1995 to 2021 of OECD member countries.

2️⃣ The column chart shows the comparative relationship of values and can show which categories are high and which are low by the length. The grid of column charts contains several column charts, which can be compared and contrasted. So the grid of column chart above allows viewers to compare the value about Debt-to-GDP Ratio of each continent in each year.

🥰Thanks for your reading. If you are interested in other works from my course portfolio of Telling Stories with Data at CMU, please feel free to visit my Home Page.

  1. General Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio, 

  2. Flourish Official Website,