😊 Hello, nice to meet you! Welcome to my public portfolio for Telling Stories with Data at CMU! Here’s where my cool work will go.

🔗 My web page URL:

📑 My repository:

About me

👩‍🎓 I’m Yuxuan Li from CMU MISM global program. I’m very interested in data visualization and creative design, so I really expect to take TSWD course.

🎓 When I study at school, I look like this:

👀 However, after school, sometimes I’m like this:

This is because I’m professional in ❤️ Chinese Traditional Dance. So I take at least 5 hours to choreograph and practice dancing every day. But I will also try my best to complete 💙 Assignments for this course! I hope we can all make excellent portfolios.

What I hope to learn

1️⃣ Create better data visualizations supported by narrative

2️⃣ Improve data analysis capability

3️⃣ Duild valuable design skills

4️⃣ Have an opportunity to learn Tableau

5️⃣ Tell the story the data supports


Welcome to my portfolio! Can’t wait to get started it!

💵Assignment: Visualizing government debt

Hello. Here is my Assignment: Visualizing Government Debt!

📝Assignment 3 & 4: Critique by Design

Hello. Here is my Assignment 3 & 4: Critique by Design!

In-Class Exercise: King County Cumulative Case Counts

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: King County Cumulative Case Counts!

In-Class Exercise: Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: Visualizing the Coronavirus using Tableau

In-Class Exercise: Ranking of News Media by Consumer Trust

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: Ranking of News Media by Consumer Trust!

In-Class Exercise: Building Gapminder in Tableau

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: Building Gapminder in Tableau!

In-Class Exercise: Historical Olympic Medalists

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: Historical Olympic Medalists!

In-Class Exercise: FIFA Player Power Rankings

Hello. Here is my In-Class Exercise: FIFA Player Power Rankings!

⛳Final Project Part I

Hello. Here is my Final Project Part I!

⛳Final Project Part II

Hello. Here is my Final Project Part II!

⛳Final Project Part III

Hello. Here is my Final Project Part III!

Useful Tools Learned from TWSD Course

📊Visualization Tool

1️⃣ Flourish
2️⃣ Data Viz Project
3️⃣ Tableau
4️⃣ Figma
5️⃣ Infogram
6️⃣ RawGraphs

📑Data Source

1️⃣ OECD Data

📔User Guide

1️⃣ Github Docs
2️⃣ Coolors